Research summary

Hedging your portfolio against inflation

January 31, 2023

Bar chart compares the correlation with inflation and the beta to inflation for each of the asset classes in our analysis. For commodities, the correlation with inflation is 0.34 and the beta to inflation is 7.60; for intermediate-term TIPS, the correlation with inflation is 0.13 and the beta to inflation is 0.86; for short-term TIPS, the correlation with inflation is 0.45 and the beta to inflation is 0.85; for global ex-U.S. equities, the correlation with inflation is 0.00 and the beta to inflation is 0.09; for global ex-U.S. bonds (hedged), the correlation with inflation is –0.05 and the beta to inflation is 0.09; for U.S. equities, the correlation with inflation is –0.01 and the beta to inflation is 0.07; and for U.S. bonds, the correlation with inflation is –0.21 and the beta to inflation is 0.04.
Two stacked bar charts are shown, representing the breakdown by asset class for, respectively, the traditional 60/40 portfolio and a similar but inflation-hedged  portfolio. The traditional portfolio is weighted 36% U.S. equities, 24% non-U.S. equities, 28% U.S. bonds, and 12% global ex-U.S. bonds (hedged). The inflation-hedged portfolio is weighted 31% U.S. equities, 21% global ex-U.S. equities, 24% U.S. bonds, 10% global ex-U.S. bonds that are currency-hedged, 12% commodities, 1% intermediate-term TIPS, and 1% short-term TIPS.


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