Vanguard research

U.S. housing market has more—and more willing—buyers

June 15, 2023

A line shows what percentage of the working population is between 25 and 40 years old. The percentage was as high as 38% in the late 1980s owing to Baby Boomers, but decreased to less than 30% in the mid-2000s owing to Gen X, and has risen to around 32% owing to Millennials. That age cohort is expected to remain a little above 32% through 2029.
A line shows the percentage of the population that plans to buy a home in the coming six months from December 1978 through February 2023. The percentage from the start of the period through December 2008 fluctuates, but averages about 3.5%. Then the percentage increases significantly and averages about 6% from January 2009 through February 2023.


Ian Kresnak, CFA
Konstantin Nikolaev, CFA
Peter Maguire, CFA

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