Portfolio considerations

Reducing the static in factor funds

February 06, 2025

Figure shows the percentage of the total value and momentum signals captured by the active and static portfolios from January 4, 2000, through November 30, 2022. Over that period, the active portfolio captured 97% of the total value signal, compared with 91% for the static portfolio. The difference in capture was even greater for the momentum portfolios. The active momentum portfolio captured 93% of the total momentum signal, compared with 75% for the static portfolio.
Figure shows bar charts comparing returns for the active and static portfolios for the value and momentum factors. The returns account for transaction costs and slippage, which is the cost of deviating from the benchmark portfolios due to rebalancing strategies and restrictions such as how much of a stock a single fund can hold. For the value factor, the active portfolio returned 15.57% on an annualized basis after these costs, compared with 14.08% for the passive portfolio over the 22-year period. For the momentum factor, the active portfolio returned 12.40% on an annualized basis, compared with 10.39% for the passive portfolio.

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