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Our economic and market outlook at midyear

Perspectives and news

Josh Hirt
Expert insight

Rate cuts unlikely until shelter inflation is tamed

Shelter inflation and underlying labor momentum will keep the Fed cautious ahead.

Our full library of perspectives

Building wealth using 529s for K–12 education

The Magnificent Seven: A study in market cyclicality

Joe Davis: A high bar for artificial intelligence

Research spotlight

Three colored spheres on graph background
Financial wellness and planning

Tax-loss harvesting: Why a personalized approach is important

Vanguard research on setting expectations and maximizing the probability of success when using a tax-loss-harvesting strategy.

Our full library of research

It’s elementary: Using 529s to pay for K–12 education

How America Saves 2024

Megatrends—AI, demographics, and the U.S. economy: Quantifying the coming tug-of-war

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