News release

Vanguard International Dividend Growth Fund Now Available for Investment

VALLEY FORGE, PA (November 1, 2023)—Vanguard International Dividend Growth Fund (VIDGX) is now available for investment, beginning with a two-week subscription period. The fund is actively managed by Wellington Management Company and seeks to compound wealth over time by investing in companies that have the ability and willingness to grow their dividends over the long term. The subscription period will conclude at the end of the business day on November 14.

“Vanguard continuously seeks to enhance our investment product lineup to ensure it meets the evolving long-term needs of our clients,” said Dan Reyes, head of Vanguard Portfolio Review Department. “We believe the International Dividend Growth Fund is a compelling option for investors seeking increased international equity exposure in their portfolios. The fund also complements our existing dividend growth franchise, and we’re confident in the proven investment philosophy and process employed by Wellington Management’s Dividend Growth team.”

Wellington Management is Vanguard’s largest and longest-serving external advisor. From the day Vanguard was founded, Wellington Management has managed client assets on behalf of Vanguard’s funds. As of September 30, 2023, Wellington Management oversaw more than $389 billion of Vanguard fund assets globally.

The fund’s portfolio manager, Peter Fisher, and the same experienced team behind Vanguard Dividend Growth Fund leverage their time-tested investment philosophy and process, applying them to international stocks. The new fund features companies with strong balance sheets and high, sustainable free cash flows, which enable them to grow their dividends over time while continuing to reinvest in future growth. The fund will have a single share class with an estimated expense ratio of 0.54% compared to the industry average of 1.02%. The fund’s minimum initial investment is $3,000.

Vanguard’s active management leadership

Since its founding in 1975, Vanguard has been a leader in active management. Vanguard partners with world-class investment advisors to offer investors a broad range of actively managed equity, bond, and balanced funds. Vanguard has an experienced team of investment professionals dedicated to overseeing its suite of investment managers and continually searching for potential new partners. All Vanguard products must adhere to established product design principles and be sound and sensible vehicles that address investors’ long-term needs.


About Vanguard

Founded in 1975, Vanguard is one of the world's leading investment management companies. The firm offers investments, advice, and retirement services to individual investors, institutions, and financial professionals. Vanguard operates under a unique, investor-owned structure where Vanguard fund shareholders own the funds, which in turn own Vanguard. As such, Vanguard adheres to a simple purpose: To take a stand for all investors, to treat them fairly, and to give them the best chance for investment success. For more information, visit

For more information about Vanguard funds, visit or call 800-523-1036 to obtain a prospectus or, if available, a summary prospectus. Investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses, and other important information about a fund are contained in the prospectus; read and consider it carefully before investing.

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