Stewardship in action

A voice for investors

John Galloway

Global Head of Investment Stewardship

Our approach

Our four pillars

Board composition and effectiveness

Good governance begins with a company’s board of directors.

Oversight of strategy and risk

Boards should work to prevent risks from becoming governance failures.

Executive compensation

Sound, performance-linked compensation programs drive long-term returns.

Shareholder rights

Shareholders should be empowered.

Engagement practices

Engagements at a glance

Engagement is foundational to our Investment Stewardship program, as illustrated in the data below.


Companies engaged as of December 31, 2023


Markets represented in our engagements as of December 31, 2023*


Equity assets under management engaged in the last year**

Proxy voting


Proposals voted on in 2023

How our funds voted

Proxy votes cast by the Vanguard funds

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Vanguard is the trusted name in investing. Since our founding in 1975, we’ve put investors first.